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The Movie Soundtrack - A selection of incidental cues
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Tipo: CD
Editore: Atmosphere
Paese di pubblicazione:
Data 23.08.2007
Das Stück "Timeless" von Lee Groves und Peter Marrett, das hier als Track 7, 30 und 51 in unterschiedlichen Längen vorhanden ist, gehört zum Soundtrack der ersten Staffel der Serie Die Bergpolizei.
01. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - The brave            2:11
02. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - Secret robes         1:47
03. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - Secret robes (alt)   1:10
04. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - Save our land        2:04
05. William Kingswood - Running scared 1                 2:20
06. William Kingswood - Running scared 2                 2:08
07. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Timeless                                      2:06
08. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Kidnapped               2:07
09. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Nightfall               2:24
10. Ben Cocks - Desert chase                             2:31
11. William Kingswood - Night flight                     1:50
12. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Caught out              2:04
13. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Gang land               2:00
14. Andrew Britton & David Goldsmith - Big fight         2:09
15. William Kingswood - Perpetual mind                   1:56
16. William Kingswood - Perpetual mind (solo violin)     0:57
17. Andrew Britton & David Goldsmith - Hidden life       2:36
18. Ben Cocks - Furious                                  2:04
19. William Kingswood - Awaken                           1:46
20. Andrew Britton & David Goldsmith - Places in the sky 1:48
21. Anthony Phillips & Chris White - Snow scene          1:59
22. Anthony Phillips - Attic monsters                    1:17
23. Anthony Phillips - Fogotten souls                    3:13
24. Anthony Phillips - Misty hills                       1:44
25. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - The brave            1:02
26. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - Secret robes         1:02
27. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - Save our land        1:02
28. William Kingswood - Running scared 1                 1:02
29. William Kingswood - Running scared 2                 1:02
30. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Timeless                                      1:02
31. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Kidnapped               1:02
32. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Nightfall               1:02
33. Ben Cocks - Desert chase                             1:02
34. William Kingswood - Night flight                     1:02
35. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Caught out              1:02
36. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Gang land               1:02
37. Andrew Britton & David Goldsmith - Big fight         1:02
38. William Kingswood - Perpetual mind                   1:02
39. Andrew Britton & David Goldsmith - Hidden life       1:02
40. Ben Cocks - Furious                                  1:02
41. William Kingswood - Awaken                           1:02
42. Anthony Phillips & Chris White - Snow scene          1:02
43. Anthony Phillips - Attic monsters                    1:02
44. Anthony Phillips - Forgotten souls                   1:02
45. Anthony Phillips - Misty hills                       1:01
46. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - The brave            0:31
47. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - Secret robes         0:31
48. Matthew Corbett & Mike Wilkie - Save our land        0:31
49. William Kingswood - Running scared 1                 0:31
50. William Kingswood - Running scared 2                 0:31
51. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Timeless                                      0:31
52. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Kidnapped               0:31
53. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Nightfall               0:31
54. Ben Cocks - Desert chase                             0:31
55. William Kingswood - Night flight                     0:31
56. Lee Groves & Peter Marrett - Gang land               0:31
57. Andrew Britton & David Goldsmith - Hidden life       0:31
58. William Kingswood - Awaken                           0:31
59. Andrew Britton & David Goldsmith - Places in the sky 0:31
60. Anthony Phillips - Attic monsters                    0:31
61. Anthony Phillips - Forgotten souls                   0:31
62. Anthony Phillips - Misty hills                       0:30
Questa colonna sonora contiene canzoni tratte dai seguenti film
Un passo dal cielo - Lo spirito del lupo
Un passo dal cielo - Il fantasma del mulino
Un passo dal cielo - Il giorno del Santo
Un passo dal cielo - La prova del fuoco
Un passo dal cielo - Il capriolo avvelenato
Un passo dal cielo - Caccia al tesoro
Un passo dal cielo - Salvato dalle acque
Un passo dal cielo - Un salto nel vuoto
Un passo dal cielo - Il mostro del lago
Un passo dal cielo - L'ape regina
Un passo dal cielo - Il volo dell'aquila
Un passo dal cielo - La lacrima del gigante
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