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Sa, 21.12.24
Hannover / Koki (Kommuniales Kino Hannover / Kino im Künstlerhaus)

More information about the event:ücke-VHS-Kassette
Th, 05.06.25 - Su, 08.06.25
Spencer/Hill-Festival Ilmenau 2025
Ilmenau / Festhalle

Festival Ilmenau 2025

Ilmenau will once again host a Spencer/Hill Festival in 2025. This time with a larger outdoor area, open-air stage and much more.

More information about the event:
Fr, 05.09.25 - Mo, 08.09.25
Spencer/Hill-Festival Ferrara 2025
Ferrara / City Centre

Festival Banner 2025

The 2025 festival will take place in Ferrara, Italy, in the Emilia-Romagna region. The entire city will become a festival site and admission will be free for the first time! Piazza Trento Trieste and Piazza della Cattedrale are located in the centre of the city. Here you will find the food mile and here you can enjoy the programme on the large main stage. In Piazza Ariostea you can watch the "Hector Games" or take part yourself and in the Parco Massari you can relax and watch buggies and film cars. At Giadini Darsena there is fun and games in a small Luna Park - just like in the film "Watch out, we're mad".

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