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Giuseppe Rinaldi
Voice actor
No. Title Actor Role
1 Hannibal (Versione italiana) Franco Silva Maharbal
2 Little Rita of the West (Little Rita nel west) Terence Hill Texas Joe
IF: Black Star
3 Today it's me... tomorrow you! (Oggi a me... domani a te) Brett Halsey Bill Kiowa
4 5th Day of Peace (Dio è con noi) Richard Johnson Captain Henry Miller
5 Flatfoot Cop (Piedone lo sbirro) Raymond Pellegrin Anwalt De Ribis
6 Soldier Of Fortune (Il soldato di ventura) Philippe Leroy Guy de la Motte
7 Cats and Dogs (Cane e gatto) Marc Lawrence Mafiaboss Don Salvatore Licuti
8 Lucky Luke (Lucky Luke (ital.)) Barras Jolly Jumper
9 Lucky Luke - Who is Mr. Joseph's (Lucky Luke - Chi è Mr. Josephs?) Barras Jolly Jumper
10 Lucky Luke - Midsummer in Daisy Town (Lucky Luke - Una notte di mezza estate a Daisy Town) Barras Jolly Jumper
11 Lucky Luke - Ghost Train (Lucky Luke - Il treno fantasma) Barras Jolly Jumper
12 Lucky Luke - Ma Dalton (Lucky Luke - La mamma dei Daltons) Barras Jolly Jumper
13 Lucky Luke - Cafe Olé (Lucky Luke - Caffè ole (ital.)) Barras Jolly Jumper
14 Lucky Luke - Luke's Fiancée (Lucky Luke - Le fidanzate di Lucky Luke) Barras Jolly Jumper
15 Lucky Luke - Grand Delusions (Lucky Luke - Magia indiana) Barras Jolly Jumper
16 Lucky Luke - Nobody's Fool (Lucky Luke - Pesce d aprile) Barras Jolly Jumper
Dialogues and Dubbing direction
No. Title Function Dubbing version
1 Black Turin Dubbing director Torino nera
Number of visits: 2569