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The World of Don Camillo
Pictures from Pomponesco, taken by Mario Staub on 2013-07-22, 30 years after the premiere of the movie. Many thanks to Mario who allowed us to use his pictures for this report.
Scene selection
1. The stairs to the city 1
2. The balcony of the Town Hall
3. Town Hall 1
4. Church 1
5. Peppone's House of the People
6. Piazza XXIII Aprile
7. Town Hall 2
8. Chruch 2
9. The stairs to the city 2
10. The football field
Die Treppe zur Stadt 1
Timecode: 00:08:08 - Adress: Treppe Via Argine Po / Piazza IV Martiri
Don Camillo drives into the city
Don Camillo driving his motorcycle down the stairs.
The view of the stairs to the Piazza IV Martiri today.
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Timecode: 00:08:16 - Adress: Piazza XXIII Aprile 11
Peppone celebrates on the balcony of the Town Hall
Peppone celebrating his election at the balcony.
The balcony hasn't changed.
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Rathaus 1
Timecode: 00:08:44 - Adress: Piazza XXIII Aprile 11
View to the Town Hall
View over the celebrating crowd to the Town Hall.
The view over the Piazza XXIII Aprile to the Town Hall today.
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Kirche 1
Timecode: 00:09:00 - Adress: Piazza XXIII Aprile 21
The entrance of the church
Terence parks his bike in front of the entrance of his church.
The entrance of the Parrocchia Dei Santi Sette Fratelli Martiri today.
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Peppones Haus des Volkes
Timecode: 00:10:33 - Adress: Via Argine Po auf Höhe der Via Ferrante Aporti
Ceremony at the House of the People
Don Camillo blesses involuntarily Peppone's construction project.
Actually there is a house at the place, it is located in at Via Ferrante Aporti 19.
View over the Via Ferrante Aporti to the Parrocchia Dei Santi Sette Fratelli Martiri.
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Piazza XXIII Aprile
Timecode: 01:26:05 - Adress: Piazza XXIII Aprile
Many scenes were shot at the Piazza XXIII Aprile
Terence with his bike at the Piazza XXIII Aprile.
Don Camillo, Peppone and the bishop at the Piazza XXIII Aprile. (01:31:45)
The Piazza XXIII Aprile today.
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Rathaus 2
Timecode: 01:27:33 - Adress: Piazza XXIII Aprile 21
The entrance of the Town Hall
Don Camillo at the entrance of the Town Hall.
The entrance today.
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Kirche 2
Timecode: 01:27:33 - Adress: Piazza XXIII Aprile 21
The church of Don Camillo
The church of Don Camillo.
The church today.
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Die Treppe zur Stadt 2
Timecode: 01:33:15 - Adress: Treppe Via Argine Po / Piazza IV Martiri
The way to the football field
Don Camillo and Peppone with the football teams at the stairs.
The view over the Piazza IV Martiri without football teams.
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Der Fußballplatz
Timecode: 01:33:28 - Adress: Treppe Via Argine Po / Via del Peccato
The teams on the way to the football field
The teams coming to the football field.
The football field is gone.
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