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Pictures from Viareggio, Pisa and Marina Di Pisa, taken by Mario Staub on 2012-09-29, 34 years after the premiere of the movie. Many thanks to Mario who allowed us to use his pictures for this report.
Scene selection
1. The pub at the harbor
2. Attack on Bud
3. Gerry runs into the marina
4. The run through the city
5. The end of the run 1
6. The end of the run 2
7. Bud persuades Orso 1
8. Bud persuades Orso 2
Die Hafenkneipe
Timecode: 00:10:19 - Adress: Piazza Palombari Dell'artiglio 4, Viareggio
Bud leaves the pub after eating his omelette.
Bud in front of the pub.
The same view today. The pub is gone. There is now the Capitaneria Di Porto.
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Mücke wird überfallen
Timecode: 00:10:28 - Adress: Piazza Palombari Dell'artiglio, Viareggio
Gerry attacks Bud at the harbor.
Bud goes along the Piazza Palombari Dell'artiglio, in the background is the bend of the road.
After a few meter he is attacked by Gerry.
The same place today. You see the same turn of the road, but fewer trees.
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Gerry flüchtet in den Yachthafen
Timecode: 00:12:02 - Adress: Piazza Palombari Dell'artiglio, Viareggio
The police is coming and Gerry flees into the marina.
Gerry is jumping over small boats in direction of the yachts.
Today there are already yachts, but Gerry has to jump over some trailers.
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Lauf durch die Stadt
Timecode: 00:52:37 - Adress: Via Enrico Diacono vorm Piazza Sardegna, Marina di Pisa
The guys running through the city, and they getting more and more, before the finally meet Bud.
The guys on the way to the place where Bud is waiting.
This part of the road is nearly the same, even if the buildings were renovated now.
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Der Lauf endet bei Mücke
Timecode: 00:52:45 - Adress: Piazza Sardegna, Marina di Pisa
Bud is waiting for the guys.
Bud at the Piazza Sardegna.
The same view today.
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Der Lauf endet bei Mücke 2
Timecode: 00:52:47 - Adress: Piazza Sardegna, Marina di Pisa
Bud tells the guys that it will be a hard workout with him.
Piazza Sardegna - The view in the other direction.
The view today, unfortunately not in the same angle.
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Mücke überredet Orso 1
Timecode: 01:11:23 - Adress: Strand bei Via Padre Agostino da Montefeltro 32, Pisa
Bud and Orso fighting at the beach.
Orso and Bud in a hard fight at the beach.
The beach has changed completely.
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Mücke überredet Orso 2
Timecode: 01:12:21 - Adress: Via Padre Agostino da Montefeltro 32, Pisa
Bud and Orso are still fighting at the beach.
Orso gets down, in the background is the restaurant Toto.
The same restaurant today, it was also used for the movie Bomber.
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