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Su 13.10.24 - 22:00 h MDR Fernsehen (Germany) Sie nannten ihn Spencer
Th 17.10.24 - 09:00 h Sky Cinema Classics (Germany) Ace High
Fr 18.10.24 - 20:15 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - The Aroma of Coffee
Sa 19.10.24 - 16:40 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - The Aroma of Coffee
Sa 19.10.24 - 20:15 h MDR Fernsehen (Germany) Man of the East
Sa 19.10.24 - 22:15 h MDR Fernsehen (Germany) My Name is Thomas
Sa 19.10.24 - 23:45 h MDR Fernsehen (Germany) Sie nannten ihn Spencer
Su 20.10.24 - 01:50 h MDR Fernsehen (Germany) The Wide Blue Road
Su 20.10.24 - 10:15 h MDR Fernsehen (Germany) Man of the East
Su 20.10.24 - 15:00 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - Election campaign
Su 20.10.24 - 15:50 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - Murder in the library
Mo 21.10.24 - 12:30 h MDR Fernsehen (Germany) My Name is Thomas
Fr 25.10.24 - 20:15 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - Chocolate
Sa 26.10.24 - 16:40 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - Chocolate
Su 27.10.24 - 15:00 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - My father has been in jail
Su 27.10.24 - 15:50 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - A debt for life
We 30.10.24 - 13:35 h Sky Cinema Classics (Germany) Ace High
Fr 01.11.24 - 13:00 h ServusTV (A) (Austria) The World of Don Camillo
Fr 01.11.24 - 20:15 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - An Angel's Room
Sa 02.11.24 - 16:25 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - An Angel's Room
Su 03.11.24 - 12:35 h Sky Cinema Classics (Germany) Ace High
Su 03.11.24 - 15:00 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - Dancing competition
Su 03.11.24 - 15:55 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - Death at Dawn
We 06.11.24 - 23:20 h Sky Cinema Classics (Germany) Ace High
Fr 08.11.24 - 20:15 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - Young Dancers
Sa 09.11.24 - 16:40 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - Young Dancers
Su 10.11.24 - 15:00 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - Comma 23
Su 10.11.24 - 15:50 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - The poisened chalice
Su 10.11.24 - 16:45 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo: Terence Hill im Interview
Su 10.11.24 - 23:45 h Sky Cinema Classics (Germany) Ace High
Mo 11.11.24 - 12:40 h Sky Cinema Classics (Germany) Ace High
We 13.11.24 - 20:15 h 4+ (Switzerland) They call me Trinity
We 13.11.24 - 22:35 h 4+ (Switzerland) Trinity Is STILL My Name
Th 14.11.24 - 01:10 h 4+ (Switzerland) They call me Trinity
Fr 15.11.24 - 01:20 h 4+ (Switzerland) Trinity Is STILL My Name
Fr 15.11.24 - 20:15 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - Death of a Storyteller
Sa 16.11.24 - 16:50 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - Death of a Storyteller
Su 17.11.24 - 15:00 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - The suitcase
Su 17.11.24 - 15:50 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - Stolen love
Fr 22.11.24 - 20:15 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - The Rhythm of Pedals
Sa 23.11.24 - 16:40 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - The Rhythm of Pedals
Su 24.11.24 - 15:00 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - The heart's somersaults
Su 24.11.24 - 15:50 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 4 - Live murder
Fr 29.11.24 - 20:15 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - The Dog who Disappeared
Sa 30.11.24 - 16:25 h Bibel TV (Germany) Don Matteo 6 - The Dog who Disappeared