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Bud Spencer
Terence Hill









Background information



Terence Hill - Official Website
Bud Spencer - Official Website

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Terence Hill Museum
The Bulldozers - Fanclub
News about Bud and Terence
2025-02-15 - 11:44 am - Terence Hill announces documentary about his life
Terence Hill spricht auf einer Bühne Terence Hill announced today that he will be making a documentary about his life together with Warner Bros. TV. We will follow the project with excitement and look forward to the result.

Link: Terence Hill's biography in the database

2024-12-02 - 8:16 am - New tv series about Flatfoot starts in Italy
Der alte und der neue Plattfuß The new TV series 2Piedone - Uno sbirro a Napoli2 (Flatfoot - A Cop in Naples) starts on Sky in Italy tonight. The series attempts to capture the atmosphere of the old Flatfoot films, but without imitating Bud Spencer's character, even though the new Plattfuß has some similarities, not only in appearance but also in character.

The new flatfoot is called Vincenzo Palmieri, is a police officer with a gruff manner, often grumpy, not always playing by the rules, but with a big heart and an unshakeable belief in justice. The link to the original is that Palmieri was a student of Inspector Rizzo, who is still a legend in Naples. Palmieri is played by Salvatore Esposito, who may be known as the villain Genny Savastano from the series ‘Gomorrha’. In the first episode, Palmieri returns to his hometown of Naples after a long absence, where he now investigates various cases at the police station in the port of Naples.

The series consists of four feature-length episodes, which will premiere today on Sky Cinema Uno. Bud Spencer's son Giuseppe Pedersoli was also involved in the development of the series and the idea. It is not yet known whether the series will be shown in Germany or other countries, but there is hope, as Sky is also active in many countries and some scenes of the series were also shot in Germany.

Link 1: Watch the Trailer on YouTube
Link 2: Flatfoot Cop in the database

2024-11-13 - 5:18 pm - Even Angels eat Beans: Soundtrack will be released on CD & LP
On December, 2nd, the Italian music label BEAT Records will release the soundtrack to "Even Angels Eat Beans" on CD and LP. The soundtrack will be released together with the soundtrack to "Charleston" (1974), the direct sequel to "Even Angels Eat Beans", but without Bud Spencer. The CD set contains all the tracks from the first release from 2011 plus three tracks released for the first time on CD 1. The second CD contains the of "Charleston" (1974), of which only a single of the title track ‘Why is everone so mad’ has been released to date. The double LP set is a real novelty, as both soundtracks have never been released on LP before. However, due to the length restrictions on LPs, one track is missing compared to the CD. The CDs and LPs can now be pre-ordered from the Beat Records online shop.

Link: The new CD in the database
Link: The new LP in the database

2024-09-15 - 6:30 pm - I'm with the hippopotamus: Soundtrack is coming on vinyl
Das Cover der neuen LP On September 30, the Italian music label BEAT Records will release the soundtrack to I'm for the Hippopotamus on an LP for the first time since its release in 1979. The track list includes all the tracks from the original LP plus four additional songs. A new CD release is not planned this time. The LP can now be pre-ordered from the Beat Records online store.

Beat Records will present the LP on 28 September at the Music Days in Rome in the presence of composer Walter Rizzati. A special edition of the LP will also be available at the fair, which includes a single, a poster, a music brochure and a shopping bag with the film logo. Unfortunately, this version is not available in the online shop.

Link: The new LP in the database

2024-07-08 - 10:19 am - Terence Hill and Bud Spencer's children inaugurate swimming baths
Yesterday, the new municipal swimming pool in Amelia was inaugurated and named after Bud Spencer. At the inauguration ceremony, Mayor Laura Pernazza was delighted to receive support from Bud Spencer's children Cristiana and Giuseppe Pedersoli, as well as from Terence Hill. Giuseppe expressed his gratitude for this great opportunity to remember his father and the eternal bond of friendship with Terence Hill. Terence Hill added that he had already admired Bud Spencer as a swimming champion as a child and that the step from this admiration to a lifelong friendship was then only a very small one. The final words came from Bishop Francesco Antonio Soddu, who began his blessing with the words "We grew up with bread and Terence Hill and Bud Spencer.". Of course, many fans were also present at the opening and took the opportunity to get autographs and take photos with the stars.

2024-05-06 - 12:37 pm - 50 years of "Watch out, we're mad" at Spencer/Hill World
Roger Worrod vor der Figur Bud Spencers On Saturday, a special film event was held at Spencer/Hill-World to mark the 50th anniversary of the film Watch out, we're mad. The English actor and dubbing artist Roger Worrod was a guest and talked about his work as a dubbing artist in Italy. A screening of the anniversary film rounded off the successful evening. We were there and have brought you a short illustrated report. Have fun with it!

Link: The report in the database

2024-03-30 - 9:09 pm - New book about Terence Hill
Cover des neuen Buchs There is a new book about Terence Hill. Published last summer in France under the title On l'appelle Terence Hill, the book by Alexandre Alfonsi and Jean-Marie Lambert is now also available in German, Italian and Spanish. The English version is entitled We call him Terence Hill. The 200-page book describes the life and career of the cult actor. It is introduced by a foreword by Bud Spencer's daughter Cristiana Pedersoli, followed by an exclusive interview with Terence Hill himself. A complete filmography rounds off the beautifully illustrated book. All language versions of the book can now be ordered from the Terence Hill online shop for 39 euros.

Link 1: The book in the database
Link 2: The books in the Terence Hill shop

2024-03-19 - 2:04 pm - Why did you pick on me?: Soundtrack premiere on CD and LP!
Cover der LP On 22 April, the Italian label Beat Records, in collaboration with Digitmovies and Cabum, will be release the soundtrack to Why did you pick on me? on CD and LP for the first time ever! Of the soundtrack by brothers Guido and Maurizio De Angelis, only the title track Mr. Nothingoesright has been released as a single and later on various Spencer/Hill samplers.

Link 1: The CD in the datebase
Link 2: The LP in the database

2024-02-19 - 3:36 pm - The Spencer Hill World is open
Das Logo der Spencer/Hill-World Last Saturday, the Spencer Hill World opened in Berlin as the successor to the Bud Spencer Museum. We were on site the whole week before and helped set up the new exhibition about the careers of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. On Saturday, many fans took the opportunity to visit the new attraction in the heart of Berlin for the first time. Cristiana and Giuseppe Pedersoli, Marcus and Jorgo, Felix Wendlandt and dubbing actress Carolin Brunk were also there. You can find out all about Spencer/Hill World on our new information page. You will also find a small illustrated report from the opening.

Link 1: Die Spencer/Hill-World in der Datenbank
Link 2: Zur Homepage der Spencer/Hill-World (extern)

2024-02-09 - 1:44 pm - Happy 100th birthday, Woody Woodbury!
Woody Woodbury Today we celebrate a very special birthday. The American actor, comedian and musician Woody Woodbury is 100 years today! Spencer/Hill fans know Woody as Admiral O'Connors in "Pair and impair", as Major in "Super Snooper" and finally as the agent in "Go for it" who hands Doug and Rosco the suitcase full of money on the plane.

Woody only acted on the side. In the USA, he is mainly known as a comedian and above all as a TV presenter. First he takes over Johnny Carson's "The Tonight Show" in 1962 and then hosts his own "The Woody Woodbury Show" from 1967. Woody still lives in Fort Lauderdale, where he was inducted onto the Walk of Fame in 2012. He is the father of two children and sometimes even performs as a comedian at private parties.

More information: Woody Woodbury in the database

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Minden Magyarország Külföld
Unfortunately no air dates are available at the moment.

Complete schedule

Next event
Zwei Missionare: Sondervorführung im Kino
Bremen / Cinespace
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the film ‘Two Missionaries’, the Cinespace in Bremen's Waterfront is showing the film in a special screening. The screening starts at 7:30 pm, the ticket price is 8 euros.

All events

Az adatbázis tartalma:
Filmek: 461
Színészek: 5110
Képek karakterekről: 10504
Képek színészekről: 4475
Képek ismeretlen színészekről: 5760
Képek galériák: 19972
Pictures of crew members: 825
Média: 3268
Könyvek 315
Plakátok: 1159
Lobby cards: 4009
Trailer: 237
Főcím kép: 1057
Film jelenetek: 461
TV-Shows: 116
Set locations: 21

Mai évfordulók
Franco Fabrizi (†) (99), Kevin McCarthy (†) (111), Susan Teesdale (†) (66), Roberto Rey (†) (120), Totò (†) (127), Fausto Cigliano (88), Edoardo Margheriti (66), Janet De Nardis (47), Massimo Nicolini (44), Christian Marschall (†) (100), Ursula Heyer (85)
Halál évforduló
Pinuccio Ardia (31), Christian Rode (7), Dario Penne (2), Domenico Bisazza (7), Enzo Musumeci Greco (31)
A nagy kék országút
15.02.1968 Deutschland TV-Premiere
Az óriási nyomozó - A díva
15.02.1992 Ungarn TV-Premiere
Don Matteo 11 - Igazságtétel
15.02.2018 Italien TV-Premiere
Don Matteo 11 - A lélek éjszakája
15.02.2018 Italien TV-Premiere

Recently deceased
16.12.2024Giuditta Saltarini
26.11.2024Karin Baal
21.11.2024Jürgen Thormann
06.11.2024Fabio Sartor
30.10.2024Giovanni Cianfriglia
11.10.2024Roger Browne
11.10.2024Mario Morra
28.09.2024Glauco Mauri
13.09.2024Frank Engelhardt
13.09.2024Franca Bettoia
05.09.2024Jacques Breuer
18.08.2024Alain Delon
13.08.2024Sergio Donati
11.08.2024Franco Daddi
01.08.2024Rainer Brandt

(c) 2006 - 2025 - Bud Spencer és Terence Hill film adatbázis