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Bud Spencer
Terence Hill









Background information



Terence Hill - Official Website
Bud Spencer - Official Website

Part of the team of
Terence Hill Museum
The Bulldozers - Fanclub
News about Bud and Terence
2024-07-08 - 10:19 am - Terence Hill and Bud Spencer's children inaugurate swimming baths
Yesterday, the new municipal swimming pool in Amelia was inaugurated and named after Bud Spencer. At the inauguration ceremony, Mayor Laura Pernazza was delighted to receive support from Bud Spencer's children Cristiana and Giuseppe Pedersoli, as well as from Terence Hill. Giuseppe expressed his gratitude for this great opportunity to remember his father and the eternal bond of friendship with Terence Hill. Terence Hill added that he had already admired Bud Spencer as a swimming champion as a child and that the step from this admiration to a lifelong friendship was then only a very small one. The final words came from Bishop Francesco Antonio Soddu, who began his blessing with the words "We grew up with bread and Terence Hill and Bud Spencer.". Of course, many fans were also present at the opening and took the opportunity to get autographs and take photos with the stars.

2024-05-06 - 12:37 pm - 50 years of "Watch out, we're mad" at Spencer/Hill World
Roger Worrod vor der Figur Bud Spencers On Saturday, a special film event was held at Spencer/Hill-World to mark the 50th anniversary of the film Watch out, we're mad. The English actor and dubbing artist Roger Worrod was a guest and talked about his work as a dubbing artist in Italy. A screening of the anniversary film rounded off the successful evening. We were there and have brought you a short illustrated report. Have fun with it!

Link: The report in the database

2024-03-30 - 9:09 pm - New book about Terence Hill
Cover des neuen Buchs There is a new book about Terence Hill. Published last summer in France under the title On l'appelle Terence Hill, the book by Alexandre Alfonsi and Jean-Marie Lambert is now also available in German, Italian and Spanish. The English version is entitled We call him Terence Hill. The 200-page book describes the life and career of the cult actor. It is introduced by a foreword by Bud Spencer's daughter Cristiana Pedersoli, followed by an exclusive interview with Terence Hill himself. A complete filmography rounds off the beautifully illustrated book. All language versions of the book can now be ordered from the Terence Hill online shop for 39 euros.

Link 1: The book in the database
Link 2: The books in the Terence Hill shop

2024-03-19 - 2:04 pm - Why did you pick on me?: Soundtrack premiere on CD and LP!
Cover der LP On 22 April, the Italian label Beat Records, in collaboration with Digitmovies and Cabum, will be release the soundtrack to Why did you pick on me? on CD and LP for the first time ever! Of the soundtrack by brothers Guido and Maurizio De Angelis, only the title track Mr. Nothingoesright has been released as a single and later on various Spencer/Hill samplers.

Link 1: The CD in the datebase
Link 2: The LP in the database

2024-02-19 - 3:36 pm - The Spencer Hill World is open
Das Logo der Spencer/Hill-World Last Saturday, the Spencer Hill World opened in Berlin as the successor to the Bud Spencer Museum. We were on site the whole week before and helped set up the new exhibition about the careers of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. On Saturday, many fans took the opportunity to visit the new attraction in the heart of Berlin for the first time. Cristiana and Giuseppe Pedersoli, Marcus and Jorgo, Felix Wendlandt and dubbing actress Carolin Brunk were also there. You can find out all about Spencer/Hill World on our new information page. You will also find a small illustrated report from the opening.

Link 1: Die Spencer/Hill-World in der Datenbank
Link 2: Zur Homepage der Spencer/Hill-World (extern)

2024-02-09 - 1:44 pm - Happy 100th birthday, Woody Woodbury!
Woody Woodbury Today we celebrate a very special birthday. The American actor, comedian and musician Woody Woodbury is 100 years today! Spencer/Hill fans know Woody as Admiral O'Connors in "Pair and impair", as Major in "Super Snooper" and finally as the agent in "Go for it" who hands Doug and Rosco the suitcase full of money on the plane.

Woody only acted on the side. In the USA, he is mainly known as a comedian and above all as a TV presenter. First he takes over Johnny Carson's "The Tonight Show" in 1962 and then hosts his own "The Woody Woodbury Show" from 1967. Woody still lives in Fort Lauderdale, where he was inducted onto the Walk of Fame in 2012. He is the father of two children and sometimes even performs as a comedian at private parties.

More information: Woody Woodbury in the database

2024-01-30 - 6:39 pm -

The Cook is coming

The time has finally come. The mediabooks for Bud Spencer's last TV series "The Crimes of the Cook" (I delitti del cuoco) can now be pre-ordered in the Bud Spencer fan shop! The Mediabooks will be delivered from the end of February!The Mediabooks contain either three Blu-rays or four DVDs with all eleven episodes of the series - in German and Italian language! There is also a 20-page booklet with information about the series and bonus material including two making-of videos and another promo clip in which Bud Spencer himself has his say. In addition, all Mediabooks will include a chef's hat with the logo of Bud Spencer's restaurant in the series.

Link 1: To the order site on budspencer.com
Link 2: The Blu-ray version of the mediabook in the database
Link 3: The DVD version of the mediabook in the database

2023-11-22 - 10:53 pm - Flatfoot in Egypt: Soundtrack for the first time on CD & LP
Cover der CD On December 10, the Italian music label Beat Records will release the soundtrack of Flatfoot in Egypt on CD and LP for the first time ever. When the film was released in 1980, only the title track Sphinx was released on a vinyl single. We fans had to wait a whole 43 years for the complete soundtrack. Like all the soundtracks in the Flatfoot series, the one for "Flatfoot in Egypt" was written by Guido and Maurizio De Angelis.

The CD will contain 22 tracks, the LP 12 songs. Both versions can be pre-ordered directly from the label at beatrecords.it or from Chris Soundtrack Corner at soundtrackcorner.de.

Link 1: The CD in the database
Link 2: The LP in the database

2023-08-09 - 11:54 am - This was the Spencer/Hill Festival 2023
Terence Hill auf der Festivalbühne The Spencer/Hill Festival 2023 in Gubbio is over. Over 20,000 fans celebrated their idols Bud Spencer and Terence Hill over four days. There were plenty of star guests, lots of live music, great costumes and sun and good mood without end. And on Saturday, Terence Hill himself suddenly appeared on the festival stage and brought the whole area to the boil. Goosebumps were guaranteed. We have now summarised our impressions of the festival in a small illustrated report. Enjoy reading and watching!

To the report: The Spencer Hill Festival at the database

2023-06-13 - 8:28 am - Report from the DEFA Event at the Bud Spencer Museum
Titeleinblendung der DEFA-Fassung Last Saturday, the Bud Spencer Museum in Berlin hosted the first public screening of the GDR dubbed version of "Flatfoot in Egypt" since 1982. Many fans did not miss this perhaps unique opportunity. We were also there and had an interesting and beautiful evening. Pictures and a short report can now be found here in the database.

Link: Report from the DEFA event at the Bud Spencer Museum.

Mutasd az összest

Az adatbázis célja, hogy egy mindent átfogó gyűjtést adjon a Bud Spencer és Terence Hill filmekről és az abban szereplő színészekről, mellékszereplőkről. Rengeteg munka és áldozat után végre kimondhatjuk, hogy minden film felkerült az adatbázisba.

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Spencer Hill World
A Spencer Hill World Berlinben

Picture of the day
Bunyó karácsonyig

Next on TV
Minden Magyarország Külföld
Unfortunately no air dates are available at the moment.

Complete schedule

Next event
Cologne Comedy Festival - Spencer/Hill-Nacht
Köln / Cinedom, Im Mediapark 1, 50670 Köln
As part of the Cologne Comedy Festival, the "Big Best of Bud Spencer & Terence Hill Night" will take place on November, 2nd in Cologne's Cinedom. The films "Watch out, we're mad" and "Two missionaries" will be shown from 7:30pm. Presenter Dominik Artefex will also be on hand to provide further clips and information. The event is organised by Rialto Film and the social media agency HitchOn. The supporting programme is supported by the Spencerhill Festival.

All events

Az adatbázis tartalma:
Filmek: 461
Színészek: 5098
Képek karakterekről: 10455
Képek színészekről: 4441
Képek ismeretlen színészekről: 5763
Képek galériák: 19972
Pictures of crew members: 814
Média: 3217
Könyvek 312
Plakátok: 1103
Lobby cards: 3901
Trailer: 236
Főcím kép: 1053
Film jelenetek: 461
TV-Shows: 116
Set locations: 21

Mai évfordulók
Mario Pilar (97), Louise Bennett (†) (105), Rossana Rory (84), T. P. McKenna (†) (95), Edy Angelillo (63), Riccardo Del Turco (85), Massimo Boncampagni (47), Aaron Schroeder (†) (98), Luigi Cozzi (77), Dario Argento (84)
Halál évforduló
Virgilio Riento (65), Arturo Dominici (32), Bruno Corbucci (28), Franco Ferrara (39), Konrad Wagner (50)
Rita, a vadnyugat réme
07.09.1973 Deutschland Kinopremiere
Mindent bele!
07.09.1973 Finnland Kinopremiere
Doc West - Az aduász
07.09.2009 Italien TV-Premiere
Doc West - Az aduász
07.09.2010 USA DVD-Premiere
Don Matteo 10 - Nincs kiút
07.09.2016 Ungarn TV-Premiere
Alpesi őrjárat II: Elvágva a világtól
07.09.2018 Deutschland TV-Premiere
Nevem: Thomas
07.09.2018 Österreich Kinopremiere

Recently deceased
18.08.2024Alain Delon
13.08.2024Sergio Donati
11.08.2024Franco Daddi
01.08.2024Rainer Brandt
01.08.2024Pina Bottin
27.07.2024Thomas Reiner
23.07.2024Aldo Dell'Acqua
14.07.2024Salvatore Puntillo
01.07.2024Maria Rosaria Omaggio
30.06.2024Eva Gelb
18.06.2024Anouk Aimée
07.06.2024Jack McDermott
01.06.2024Philippe Leroy
24.05.2024Horst Pinnow
12.05.2024Mark Damon

(c) 2006 - 2024 - Bud Spencer és Terence Hill film adatbázis